Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my website: Life in Guyana, formerly Love of Logic! This blog is my personal corner to express, rant, rave, shout out or just simply write down my thoughts.

Why Love of Logic? I came up with the name because too often I have been in situations and had views imposed upon me that I found illogical. Maybe, I am the crazy one for not seeing the logic but frankly speaking I detest impositions upon myself. Freedom is not only physical but mental. While one can be free physically there can be invisible chains attached which condemn the mind to mental oppression. Very often due to modernity and the shift towards more liberal belief systems and lifestyles there are generational clashes, impositions on rebellious minds or rejection of opposing views and unwillingness to compromise.

Love of logic is my therapy corner to express myself and to grow mentally at the same time. Societally the ideal is just to shut up and keep one’s feelings hidden, emotions controlled and unpleasantness forgotten and not mentioned. A few times I had little chats with persons about things that bothered me and I was just told to forget and forgive, the past is the past etc. I found myself angry often because of expectations and impositions on how I should think and behave as a woman. Of course, I am always rebelling so the next time there is a verbal ‘fight’ I will point the opponent to my blog rather than engage in dramatic situations of raised, angry voices and periods of silence.

I intend to write about issues I have read about or come in contact with in my community, country and globally. My posts are my opinions. We are all entitled to have opinions, others can choose to agree or disagree but nobody should be denied this right.

Thank you for visiting my site.

1st Anniversary Update (1/12/2018)

I’ve had a good year writing and this blog has been a platform for me to administer self-therapy. Communication no matter the medium is so important for spiritual and mental health; as humans we absolutely need to express ourselves.

In addition, my blog has motivated me to give creative writing a try, so far I have written a few poems, short stories and an actual novella! Also, two of my articles have been ‘noticed’. My piece,  Air pollution: Indifference and Corruption (which is still an ongoing problem btw) won a Clare Forrester PAHO/WHO media award in Health journalism. And my thoughts on V.S. Naipaul: The man behind the books was published in an anthology on the great author.

One of my biggest issues has been starting projects and then getting bored and not continuing. I really don’t want my blog to go this route so for 2019 I have resolved to push myself to post…