The normalisation of discrimination in the workplace

The normalisation of discrimination in the workplace

I live in a society that is ethnically divided, saturated with corruption and where nothing seems to work as it should. In many instances, discrimination, being given ‘the royal run around’, apathy, and the lack of will to act prevails when one needs the attention of those in charge to resolve situations that start off as trivial but become monumental toxic messes with the passage of time. Not so long ago, I sought help from the relevant officials to resolve a situation that was affecting my health tremendously. What could have been fixed with one phone call or visit took years and eventually involved the media and threat of legal action and still the issue has not been completely addressed. Without connections, influence and/or money there is the feeling of being nothing more than a second-class citizen.

So, my present issue with discrimination relates to the toxic environment at my workplace. A situation that could have been addressed and quickly resolved years ago was left to deteriorate to the point where the media is seen as more approachable than those who are employed to deal with teachers’ complaints. Unlike other countries where those at the top of the chain are expected to behave professionally, just and at a higher standard than their subordinates in Guyana, it is the opposite. Those at the top act like gods who are almighty and can never do wrong. Of course, a complaint is an allegation until the other party is heard from and evidence examined and judged. However, persons without power often have their complaints dismissed on the spot as being without merit, labelled as insubordinate and left as before with the possible new addition of further/more severe victimisation.

The letter below highlights some issues that I’ve faced at my workplace which the relevant authorities have been unwilling to resolve. Left in the same mentally damaging situation I sought to address my plight via the newspapers but alas, my missive wasn’t published, maybe the possible threat of libel suit was too much or maybe it was something else…


Dear Editor,

I have been treated unfairly at Ann’s Grove Secondary School

For many years I have faced unfair treatment from some members of the administrative staff at Ann’s Grove Secondary School and although the Department of Education has been aware of my allegations since 2016 it has refused to deal effectively with the matter. I have encountered empty words, apathy, glossing over and a sluggish unwillingness by the relevant authorities to even acknowledge that my allegations could be true and not figments of an overactive imagination. In essence, the Department of Education, Region 4, has taken the concrete position of condoning bias conduct and unprofessionalism.

My troubles began in 2016 when I sought a transfer from the school from an official at the Department of Education. I had already spent 4 years at the school and as stated in my appointment letter was entitled to request a transfer. The official refused to believe as true what I was alleging as reasons for my transfer without even the briefest investigation. Instead, she decided to make me the ‘villain’ by focusing on my skirt which she claimed was too tight. I was body shamed and humiliated in the presence of others including a former student. Where in the dress code is ‘tightness of clothing’ addressed and how does one judge it?

Since this incident, the official was promoted and the Department of Education has refused to address my concerns regarding my workplace. This level of apathy has empowered some persons to victimize without the concern of consequences and has made my work environment toxic to my mental and physical wellbeing.

There has been a long line of incidents due to the fact that I can ‘do nothing right’ and am always at fault. I’ve had the most outlandish things said and done to me without even getting a mere apology. A senior teacher threatened to physically harm me in the presence of teachers and students and the administrator didn’t even question us about it. Instead, for that term on my appraisal form I was given the lowest grade in the school which my Head of Department (HOD) claimed was given due to ‘that incident’. She was not even present in school when it occurred, never asked me about it and the person who threatened me is very close to her. On another occasion, I was groped by a member of staff in the presence of teachers. When I complained, the incident was not investigated by the administrator and I never received an apology from the person although I requested this. I informed the Secondary Officer of both incidents.

Some teachers including the administrator have been verbally abusive towards me. I have been told that I am nothing and have had my intelligence attacked on several occasions. It was even insinuated on more than one occasion that I am a kleptomaniac although no evidence was provided. At my workplace, I do not have the same privileges as other teachers.

Complaining about anything is also an issue.  During the last academic year, I informed my HOD that another member of the department had spoken harshly to me in the presence of students which would serve to undermine my authority in the classroom. Instead of asking us about the issue which could have been quickly and quietly resolved in a few minutes the HOD along with the Headteacher immediately sent for a GTU representative from Hope Secondary School. This person was allowed to intimidate, interrogate and humiliate me on school premises in the presence of an audience of teachers on issues that had nothing to do with the matter. At the end of the ‘meeting’, I had become the villain. Is it normal procedure for the GTU to harass teachers on trivial internal matters?

Do I feel everyone is against me? No. The problem is as a junior teacher I don’t have any power or influence and it is known that I have a very bad relationship with a few with all the power so prejudice steps in and little things get blown out of proportion. Imagine my HOD in the presence of the Headmistress (HM) was allowed to say that I am incompetent and the weakest link in her department without providing proof just because she had new teachers and wanted me out of the department. Later, when the HOD needed an additional teacher because several were at UG I was suddenly deemed competent. Also, there is a department with a husband and wife team. The husband, an untrained graduate, is HOD and his wife is a temporary qualified mistress who behaves as if she is in charge of the department, isn’t something a bit off there?

Teachers came to the school years after me and were already on their way to CPCE and UG yet when I informed the administrator that I was interested in becoming a trained teacher after being at the school for over 6 years she refused to accommodate my request. Subsequently, I was given permission by an education official and commenced my studies. While doing my practicum in the school the HM sabotaged it by entering my class and criticizing me to the lecturer who was so upset that she demanded I redo the practicum at another school. She also vowed never to return to Ann’s Grove Secondary School, reported the Headteacher’s behaviour to her superiors and encouraged me to resign from my job if I couldn’t get out of ‘there’. She stated that the work environment was too toxic for mental health. I complained to an education official who visited the school and began the meeting between the administrator and me by asking me about my religious beliefs. I was uncomfortable with this but still explained my views although the school is labelled as a public ‘non-religious’ school and this started the meeting off badly. The officer went on a rant about the ‘evil white man’ and secularism.

I completed my studies and the HM is now refusing to give me a procedural letter for the Ministry to upgrade my status. Even getting my form completed for Whitley council leave is an issue.

My salary was also attacked. The administrator requested and was granted salary deductions for 2 fictitious dates which she labelled as UAL. The dates do not correspond with the information in the Time book and Absence Returns. In addition, due to the issues at my workplace, during the August Term 2019 I decided not to go there the week after the official closure of public schools; there was basically nothing to do and students were not present. Like the vast majority of teachers, all records were completed and submitted during the last school week. Approximately, 29 teachers including senior teachers chose to attend some days or not at all during the post-term week and those who attended were allowed to arrive at 9 am and leave by 12 pm (1 session). This is evident in the Time book yet the HM requested 2 sessions of pay be deducted for each of the five days in the post-term week.  Also, only a small fraction of the 29 teachers have suffered deductions. What is the GTU’s position on this?

Dear Editor, I am kindly seeking the intervention of the relevant Education officials with the Accounts Department, Region 4 to get a refund of monies that was wrongly taken from my salary in a timely manner and the required letter to upgrade my status. Also, these officials need to be approachable and unbiased when dealing with complaints from teachers especially junior teachers who have no power and influence.

Yours faithfully,


Ann’s Grove Secondary School