Saudi Arabia
HGP Nightly News broadcasted one-sided story with fake protesters
sexual assaults and alcoholism in Baramita
France's burqa ban
Reduce crime in Baramita through education
V.S. Naipaul: The man behind the books. Love of logic
Plight of Venezuelans in Guyana

Plight of Venezuelans in Guyana

Since the beginning of the social, political and economic crisis in Venezuela, Venezuelans have been fleeing their country in search of basic necessities in order to survive not for luxuries…

Helping Venezuelans - love of logic post

Helping Venezuelans

In September 2017, in the Demerara Wave Online News Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge was quoted as saying, “Guyana will soon put in place a more lenient immigration policy to…

Lack of DNA testing in sexual assault cases