On being victimised by education officers from the DOE – Region 4

On being victimised by education officers from the DOE – Region 4

I sent the letter below to two newspapers around  January 19, 2025, to be published in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ section. Both had published much shorter letters from me on related issues. Unfortunately, this time my letter wasn’t published in either. However, I continue to be affected by the same issues highlighted. Maybe the letter was too long, I couldn’t cut further because I wanted to get the details out to substantiate my position. 

 Dear Editor,  

Continued victimisation by education officers from the DOE Region 4  

During the last academic term, I publicly complained (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2024/11/15/opinion/letters/my-letters-to-the-media-have-contributed-to-improvements-in-annandale-secondary-school-for-which-i-am-now-a-target/)  about being targeted by education officers from the Department of Education (DOE) Region 4 due to my writings via the newspapers about matters affecting my workplace. I’ve also written about other issues in the education sector such as the Atlantic Reader series, lack of foresight on making specific subject(s) compulsory when there are insufficient teachers for the area, and discrimination among other topics.  

My letters to the media on issues affecting the school, such as textbook and furniture shortage; and the need for curriculum changes have brought about the desired results. The improvements have benefited both students and teachers. However, before going to the media I approached the relevant stakeholders with my concerns but got nowhere. Last term, an education officer, Mr Loren Park, told me that whenever I write publicly, he has to compile a report on the matter which affects his schedule. From since then, I became aware of anonymous individuals making complaints against me to the headmaster (HM), Mr Mohamed Shakoor, which cannot be verified. Complaints were given over the phone or were hearsay at public forums. The HM even told me that Mr Park instructed him to give me a reprimand letter for an anonymous complaint without details or names.  I firmly stated it was grossly disrespectful to me to be approached with complaints and hearsay from unknown persons and with missing details.   

A few days later, a parent who did not identify himself to me and wearing a mask came unannounced to the school near the dismissal time when the substantive DHM and HM were not present. He stated that I caused his daughter’s anxiety ‘to raise’ when I told her to go to her seat and be quiet during an assessment in my class. I explained to him how I maintain class control and discipline with all my students. When the bell rang and he still couldn’t show me what I did wrong to his child, I indicated my desire to leave since I had another engagement to attend to. The parent then accused me of being unprofessional and said that he was recording me. I firmly stated that I did not give him permission to do so, sat down and spent a few more minutes explaining how I maintain class control, then I asked to be excused and left the premises. The parent had not shown me what I did wrong to his daughter and even threatened to report me to the Minister of Education and her team that were in the building conducting a ‘Math Intervention Event’. Since I felt I was in the right regarding my conduct with his daughter, I informed him that he was free to complain to whomever and I stated that I would not be bullied. The act of recording me without my permission was uncalled for and this was the first and only interaction between this man and me. Why should I have remained with a parent in the school building after the school dismissed and there was no need to prolong the conversation?  

The next day during a meeting to discuss the findings from the Math Invention, Mr Park accused me of ‘assaulting the child’. I wrote publicly about these officers’ behaviour (https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2024/12/25/education-officers-should-visit-schools-to-not-only-berate-but-to-improve/). It was the first time this accusation was thrown at me and I felt greatly embarrassed since my colleagues and other education officers were present. When I tried to respond, I was accused of being insubordinate although no details were provided. Subsequently, a task sheet was issued to the HM; this was shared among all teachers. The HM was instructed by the DOE with deadlines given to give reprimand letters to some teachers, including me. In other words, the HM was told to put his signature on letters he would have otherwise not issued, is this ethical?  And I doubt the HM composed those letters. He told me that none of the printers in the school could print on long papers, yet the reprimand letters were on long papers! I was given a letter for insubordination and on the task sheet it was stated that the DOE will hold an inquiry and investigation into the allegation (made by the education officer) that I assaulted a child. I was never questioned by anyone regarding the matter nor did I receive a copy of whatever report was compiled.  

Despite refuting the allegations made against me in the public domain and through various letters addressed to the headteacher with copies sent to the DOE Region 4, MOE, GTU, School Boards Secretariat and the Board of Governors of Annandale Secondary School I am still being targeted and victimised by officers from the DOE Region 4, with their ludicrous accusations against me. Nobody responded to my letters, it appears as if we’re on opposing sides of the fence.  

Last week the Chairperson of the Board of Governors of Annadale Secondary School, Mrs Findlay-Williams issued a letter informing me that the DOE Region 4 has submitted recommendations for disciplinary action to be brought against me … I have been charged with being insubordinate to the HM and other supervisory staff during the Math Intervention meeting with the education officers. This charge is absurd. I never exchanged words with the HM nor my other colleagues during the meeting. I was accused of being ‘insubordinate’ by Edu. Officer Colwyn Delph when I attempted to respond to the baseless accusation of assault made by Mr Park in the presence of everyone. The HM and I have a good professional relationship, although we may not see eye to eye on certain matters. Furthermore, the DOE has not provided any evidence to substantiate this charge. I reserve the right to respond if faced with a serious allegation.   

The second charge is: Criminal matters which may require court proceedings:  

-Offence No. 26: Physical assault and abuse  

-Offence No. 27: Child abuse, specifically emotional abuse.   

On this second charge these officers took up the roles of police officers, judge and jury. Additionally, they are ‘charging’ me with a criminal act yet never questioned me about the matter or asked for a statement and they have not provided me with a copy of whatever report they conjured. And they did not explain or provide evidence to show how I physically assaulted the child. Did I beat or slap her? Does she have injuries? What exactly did I do to her?  If telling a child to be quiet and to go to her seat is abuse, then how are we, as teachers supposed to maintain class control, order and discipline in the classroom if we cannot issue simple instructions to students? The DOE needs to prove its case. Writing a few lines on a paper is something anyone can do. Furthermore, I should be accusing them of emotional abuse since they humiliated me in the presence of my colleagues with an allegation they threw out for the first time in a public space and did not show any evidence to back up. I can say someone assaulted me. Just because I said or wrote the words doesn’t make it true.   

The entire letter from the Chairperson is nonsensical at best and it is requested that I respond by January 24. What am I supposed to respond to? Besides, copies of my letters refuting the allegations were already dispatched to the chairperson in November 2024 (given to the HM for him to dispatch) and there exists no direct reporting channel between the board and me. Also, I question the role of the Annandale Secondary School Board, does it have locus standi to preside over disciplinary matters involving teachers?   

Editor, I am appealing directly to the Chief Education Officer of the Ministry of Education, Mr Saddam Hussain, to intervene in this matter and bring closure. It is my position that I am being targeted and victimised by education officers from the DOE Region 4. I am requesting that he conducts an impartial investigation, not only to bring an end to this witch-hunt but to allow me to resume teaching the child in question. It is unreasonable and unfair to expect me to be in the same space (classroom) with the child while an investigation is ongoing. Alternative arrangements should be made for the child or entire class during my scheduled periods (1hr and 10mins per week). I cannot go into a classroom and be fearful of the little boys and girls I teach. In order to deliver quality lessons, it is imperative that I create an environment conducive to learning and free from distractions. This requires order and discipline so that all can learn and not giving ‘special treatment’ to a few or allowing them to do as they please because of their ‘connections’. I also foresee an end to the anonymous complaints which cannot be verified if an impartial investigation is conducted by Mr Hussain. The new term just started and already I am being asked to respond to complaints given over the phone where the names of the parent, child nor class are given to me and details are missing.   

This experience has not dampened my spirits nor driven fear into me. I will not bend, instead I am more motivated to let my voice be heard. I did not sign a contract with anyone to give up my voice and be ‘beaten’ into silence.   

Editor, I believe that education officers (former teachers) should act more professionally, try to reach out to those ‘below’ them and offer greater support to the schools they are assigned to instead of engaging in childish and underhanded antics. It undermines their intelligence and could cause loss of respect towards them from their subordinates. Maybe then, more little issues can be solved internally rather than persons seeking a hearing from platforms such as the traditional and social media.  

Yours sincerely,  

Narissa Deokarran  

The situation now

I wrote to the Board of Governors requesting clarification on the ‘charges’ and asked several questions of my own. I received no response. However, I was invited to meet with them for a hearing. Basically, I was asked to defend myself against an assault charge, yet I was not informed of how I allegedly assaulted the child nor was I given a copy of the report which should have been compiled by the DOE – Region 4.

I participated in the hearing by stating what happened with the child and her father; and during the ‘Math Intervention meeting’ but still I wasn’t told by anyone there what I did wrong and to date I don’t know what I allegedly did so what exactly do they expect me to defend myself against? The only person who spoke was Loren Park. He said that there is evidence that contradicts what I stated, but I can’t see it because it’s from ‘children’ and he couldn’t sum up in one or two sentences what the evidence was. Is this situation logical or am I the illogical one? Did I hit, kick, slap, or beat up the child? Who knows…. only the DOE Region 4 apparently.

So, I was accused of assaulting a child by education officer Loren Park, who represents the DOE – Region 4, which is a part of the MOE, a state entity yet I haven’t been sent on Administrative Leave as yet which is the norm for such cases and another teacher has not been assigned to the class. I am being forced to be in the same space with a child (during my subject period) who I’m accused of assaulting while the ‘investigation’ is ongoing, is this normal procedure? 

 What I believe led to the present situation

I have been forced to write publicly about simple issues in the workplace and to get needed resources. Also, I have written about matters in the education sector on a general basis. On workplace matters, especially where I was directly affected, I’ve had to resort to the ‘Letter to the Editor’ section of the newspapers to get my opinion out. And I had to mention ‘directly affected’. I do not enjoy airing my personal issues in the public domain nor do I go look for matters to publicise just because I enjoy the drama or seek the attention. Nothing of the sort…I would much prefer being able to give my opinions/suggestions internally.

I don’t know if people see brown women as being frivolous, brainless beings but personally, I’ve been treated this way more times than I can count. Sometimes, I do offer opinions that are logical/rational, but because it’s coming from me, a brown woman who is barely 5 feet tall, it’s like what I am saying is nonsense! For instance, during the height of COVID, when the students were at home, we were asked to report to the school to mark worksheets where the answers were already given to the students on the back of the booklets. So, a student who didn’t study at all could spend 5 minutes just writing in answers (already given) and get 100%! Even if it wasn’t during a pandemic, I would have refused to subject myself to such nonsense (https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2021/01/26/the-ministry-of-educations-nonsensical-policy-on-worksheets/).

And another time (pandemic period) we had to report for duty at the school, yet there weren’t any children to teach for some teachers (lower school students). We basically had to sit all day on a chair doing nothing, exposing ourselves to the virus and increasing our chances of contracting it, all for nothing and those in charge didn’t see how illogical the situation was. I wrote about it ( https://www.stabroeknews.com/2021/11/19/opinion/letters/current-measures-at-my-school-are-unhelpful-in-stopping-the-spread-of-covid-19/).

In recent times, I had to write about the lack of space for teachers to put their desks and chairs (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/02/09/opinion/letters/inadequate-space-and-furniture-for-teachers-at-annandale-secondary-school/). After my ‘Letter to the Editor’ was published, we were moved to more comfortable parts of the school and additional furniture was sent. However, two education officers, Gordon and Gulliver accompanied it and told me that I was bitter and a troublemaker (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/02/14/opinion/letters/i-do-hope-i-am-not-subjected-to-another-moe-ambush-masked-as-a-meeting/).

I feel that by highlighting little problems in the public domain, I’ve made myself a target, but I couldn’t help it because I was directly affected. For instance, just last year I had to write 3 times to the newspapers about matters which could have been fixed quietly. However, unlike previous times, I decided to place my name to my letters instead of writing anonymously:

  • Several times, I tried to get Spanish textbooks for the students which the Book Distribution Unit had. I went through the usual procedures with the school’s admin but months later the books still hadn’t arrived. However, after writing about the matter, we got the books the next day (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2024/04/24/opinion/letters/annandale-secondary-school-needs-spanish-textbooks/).
  • Then I had to write about the behaviour of a child and his parent. I will not accept disrespect from the little boys and girls I teach and I will not give preferential treatment to any child or be fearful of that child because his/her parent/relative may be someone with power and influence. This is my position and I will not change it (https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2024/09/18/this-moe-employee-encouraged-disrespectful-behaviour-from-a-student-and-his-parent-at-annandale-secondary-school/).
  • Then the final letter before the ‘complaints’ was about a teacher being timetabled yet hadn’t reported for duty for even one day since the term started. This teacher was not a part of the permanent staff and the subject being introduced in a particular grade depended on him reporting for work. When he didn’t show up, I was affected and the students were left unsupervised. After writing about the matter, the situation changed but before writing, I did broach the topic several times internally (https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2024/10/08/putting-the-cart-before-the-horse-on-the-curriculum-at-annandale-secondary-school/).
The education officers in the system

Many people with power and authority in administrative positions would boast about the fancy graduate degrees under their names and the professional management courses and training they undertook, yet when it comes to making sound decisions and resolving simple problems between individuals using established norms and protocols they suddenly become impotent. It’s like all their management training and promises to be fair, impartial, and good managers/administrators goes out the door. Suddenly, they don’t know what to do because their friend, acquaintance or someone from their own ethnic background is involved and they don’t want to go against this person even if they’re wrong. All one might be asked to do is apologise and/or receive a verbal reprimand yet that is too much to ask from some.

Imagine at my former workplace, Ann’s Grove Secondary the Headteacher, Ms Crandon refused to sign my Whitley Council Form, refused to give me a letter stating that I worked there for teacher’s training, refused to give me class when I started training although I had a degree in the area and even tried to sabotage my training among other unprofessional acts yet the education officers didn’t address her conduct. They enabled and empowered her because they were grossly biased and refused to rein in someone they were friendly with. I am sure I wasn’t the only teacher who this HM terrorised.

The education officers I’ve encountered can’t deal with simple problems and because of their gross bias and/or inability to manage, they allow very trivial things to explode into gigantic messes. Take for example, me having to complain to the ERC to get a simple document which the edu. officers couldn’t instruct the HM to give me (https://lifeingy.com/is-the-ethnic-relations-commission-biased/ and https://lifeingy.com/the-ministry-of-education-guyana-condoned-discrimination-by-failing-to-act-fairly-and-decisively/). And after HGP Nightly News did a fake story about me, the edu officers including the then REDO, Tiffany Harvey and DEO, Loren Park instead of investigation the matter to find out whether it was true or not, sent me off to another school where I was treated as a temporary staff and this came with other issues. I was basically chased out of my workplace over a fake story when I sought professional advancement. I didn’t get to say goodbye to my students and due to the sendoff, the impression was given that I was guilty of whatever I was accused of. I even reached out publicly to the edu officers to investigate the issue because of the way I was treated in my new workplace, as a temporary staff and unwelcomed guest who, according to them they were asked to ‘babysit’ by the MOE, yet my public plea got no reaction (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2022/09/03/opinion/letters/after-being-in-the-education-system-for-over-a-decade-i-am-now-seen-as-a-temporary-teacher-with-less-privileges/).

These officers ignore the problems of teachers and refuse to treat them as valued employees but when one goes elsewhere with one’s problems, they are offended and seek payback through all sorts of childish and underhanded tactics. And it’s not even clever, one can see right through it.

What I think should happen

If the officers want teachers to go to them with their issues instead of airing them on public platforms, then they need to be more professional, approachable and fair. Treat all teachers regardless of position and ethnicity equally.

The Minister of Education and the CEO need to send them off for more training on how to be better managers, leaders, mediators and problem solvers. And they should take an additional course on fairness and impartiality.

Right now, I am waiting on the education officers from the DOE – Region 4 to carry out the PD/ training session they were required to do almost 2 years ago see the latter part of this letter, (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2024/04/24/opinion/letters/annandale-secondary-school-needs-spanish-textbooks/). Instead of showing off on teachers and making accusations/allegations that they cannot back up, they need to engage in more meaningful activities with their time.

My position

I would truly respect a fair fight, a sound argument and someone showing me how I am wrong or what I did wrong by presenting a good case. What I cannot respect are underhanded tactics and mischief. It’s childish, low and crude. If I did something wrong and there is a fair and strong case against me, then I would respect that and take responsibility for my shortcomings.  Making allegations which one cannot back up or follow through on is just creating more messes and unpleasantness. I am still waiting (months now) for the other side to present its side of the story…

And, there is a consequence/reaction to everything. By making a serious allegation against me I should have been placed on leave or another teacher assigned to the class with the involved child, an independent investigation carried out, I be told of the what exactly I am being accused of (evidence from the other side) and be given the opportunity to respond/defend myself. Nothing of the sort has occurred thus far.

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