Empowerment through expression

Empowerment through expression

Too often we limit ourselves from being heard and therefore make ourselves voiceless, angry and depressed because we are unable to express our opinions and feelings. Whether it is the fear of ridicule, someone’s wrath or not being confident enough to put our thoughts out we do a great injustice to ourselves when we remain silent, passive and unnoticed. We need to seek empowerment through expression!

In Private

What is empowerment? I believe one facet of this larger than life word is the will to stand up and state exactly how I feel without fear. Why should people have their lives controlled and dictated by someone else to their detriment? Control certainly is not love. Many people especially women allow others to decide the boundaries of their freedom, the clothes that cover their bodies and the lifestyles that they are expected to lead. Regardless of sex, the freedom that comes from being able to stand up for yourself and take control of your own mind, body and destiny is worth fighting for.

Expression is a great “destresser”. Have you ever felt that you were unfairly treated, humiliated or verbally abused by someone and you just held it in? In time the rage festers and becomes a white-hot ball of anger and hatred that seeks escape. Some people lash out violently while others, including me, internalise the anger and instead of hurting the cause of our misery we hurt ourselves and melancholy, depression and other mental afflictions set in. A sequence follows because a sick mind leads to a sick body and a reduced quality of life. I have discovered that by firmly expressing myself I am able to take control of my life and remove negativity, impositions and people who are a burden on my mental health.

We only have this life to live, why let others who bring darkness, chains and misery take control of it. Nothing is guaranteed and tomorrow is not promised. Regardless of how much time we have on this earth why don’t we take our right into our own hands to live life to the fullest however we deem fit.

In Public

If you desire change then you must want it and seek it out! I hate when people blame others for not bringing about the changes that they desire. In the first place if you remain silent how are others supposed to know what you want?

Passive spectators have never birthed little changes or grand revolutions. Weapons, violence and bloodshed are not required just a voice with an opinion.

Whether you disagree with a policy of the government, want a pothole filled or need to complain about your garbage not being collected you need to let yourself be heard and not wait for others to be your voice because it may never happen. People can express themselves publicly by letter writing, commenting, sharing posts, blogging, protest actions etc.

Politicians and the other power wielders are not Gods but are elected and paid by the people. They were hired and can be fired. If you disagree do not be afraid to speak. Change is required to breed progress which can only occur if people recognise, address and correct something deemed a “problem”.

Not good enough to express?

Whenever I wrote anything that I intended to share with others I would grapple with how I would be judged. I battered myself on my lack of confidence and ability at using the English Language effectively and at constructing grammatically correct sentences, but the most important part of my writing was really the content-the message I wanted to get out. I wasted my time beating myself up over the frills and dressing, the least important problem which could have cost me my chance at giving myself a voice.

In reality, the vast majority of Guyanese use Creolese/ Guyanese Creole or broken English to express themselves most of the time so why should a poor grasp of the Queen’s English prevent you from stating your opinions and thoughts? Due to our colonial past, diverse culture and colourful ethnic groups we developed our unique Creole dialect that every Guyanese understands and can speak just like our Caribbean neighbours. Yet people feel that they are not good enough to write a letter or even leave a comment and this is understandable since many would harshly criticise others on grammar and not being able to write or speak “proper English” rather than focus on the message being conveyed and commend the efforts made. Ironically, often those who criticize are unable to write or speak “proper English” themselves and would baulk at the thought of publishing a piece of writing.

As long as we can be understood we are communicating and therefore can express ourselves freely. Fear of ridicule should not be an excuse to not give yourself a voice. All eligible persons regardless of education level achieved are given the most important right-the right to vote. If you can decide the fate of your country, why can’t you express yourself?

Big or Small, Now or Never

Whether it’s to end a bad relationship, tell off a controlling relative or protest regarding an important issue being decided by the government if you do not speak up you lose your chance at being heard and voicing exactly how you feel. Time only goes forward and we can never return to the past to correct anything. If we do not speak up now regardless of how big or small the issue is we will only have regrets to live with.