Many people with power and authority in administrative positions would boast about the fancy graduate degrees under their names and the professional management courses and training they undertook, yet when it comes to making sound decisions and resolving simple problems between individuals using established norms and protocols they suddenly become impotent.
I write for myself
For me, writing is more than an act of rebellion, it is giving myself a voice and if I don’t do it for myself, I will remain just another silent, brown woman because nobody is going to ‘allow’ me to have a voice. And writing is also self-therapy particularly when I write about negative experiences. It’s like by putting on paper how I felt and what happened to me I’m releasing all those negative emotions and memories associated with the experience.
Does the media view racism against Indo-Guyanese as normal and expected?
While the media does give the ordinary Guyanese a platform that is free and considerably powerful to highlight their grievances and express their opinions it does have its own narrative that it pushes unto the public and international community especially in areas such as politics and race relations.
The Ministry of Education (Guyana) condoned discrimination by failing to act fairly and decisively
Often, people with power and authority in key positions add to the divide because of being blatantly biased, having poor decision-making skills and the inability to act decisively when needed.
UG Student Loan Agency engaged in discriminatory practices
Education continues to be the key in many developing countries that takes countless young people and their descendants out of poverty and gives not only a better quality of life but a better way of thinking especially where societal scourges are concerned.
Poor customer service is the norm rather than the exception
Sometimes though, the service crosses the line from poor to atrocious and leaves a bitter aftertaste for days; this was my experience last Saturday at Sally’s Boutique in the City Mall.
Females are oppressed because of the obsession with and hatred of the vagina
We live in a world where in some countries it’s possible to identify as another gender although one’s biological sex is not of that gender for instance, a person with…
The ill treatment of animals is a blot on society
I believe that spaying/neutering more strays and educating pet owners about the benefits of this procedure would assist in reducing the number of homeless animals and ensure that those in the care of shelters receive adequate care.
The President’s dress and the Saudis’ desk warranted criticism
The people who have been elected to manage the country for us should exercise due diligence at all times, have dignity and integrity; and make decisions that will benefit Guyana as a whole.
Is the Ethnic Relations Commission biased?
So, is the Ethnic Relations Commission biased or not? Well, people have their own opinions on that and some base these opinions on their personal experiences with this entity.